International dictionary of adult and continuing education / Peter Jarvis. LC5211 J38 1999
Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals / edited by Cecil R. Reynolds, Kimberly J. Vannest, and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen. LC4007 E56 2014
Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults / editors, Cecil R. Reynolds, Lester Mann. LC4007 E56
Handbooks / Manuals
Lifelong education for adults : an international handbook / edited by Colin J. Titmus. LC5215 L722
The mature student’s handbook / Lucinda Becker. LC5215 B395
Adult education procedures : a handbook of tested patterns for effective participation / Paul Bergevin, Dwight Moris and Robert M. Smith. LC5215.B4
Adult education handbook / Institute of Adult Education. LC5258 T36A244
Handbook of special education / edited by James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallahan. LC3965 H236
Governing public colleges and universities : a handbook for trustees, chief executives, and other campus leaders / Richard T. Ingram and associates. LB2341 I54
The handbook of student affairs administration / Margaret J. Barr, Mary K. Desler, and associates. LB2342.92 B268 2000
Academic advising : a comprehensive handbook / Virginia Gordon and Wesley R. Habley, editors. LB2343 A168
Teaching young adults : a handbook for teachers in post-compulsory education / Joe Harkin, Gill Turner, and Trevor Dawn. LB1607.53 G7H282
Student services : a handbook for the profession / Susan R. Komives, Dudley B. Woodard, Jr., and associates. LB2342.92 K81 2003
Handbook of adult education in the United States / American Association for Adult Education. LC5251.H3
Handbook of research on adult learning and development / edited by M. Cecil Smith ; with Nancy DeFrates-Densch. LC5225 R47H236
Handbook of blended shore education : adult program development and delivery / edited by Gabriele I.E. Strohschen. LC5215 H236
Handbook of adult and continuing education / edited by Carol E. Kasworm, Amy D. Rose, Jovita M. Ross-Gordon. LC5251 H236
The handbook of race and adult education : a resource for dialogue on racism / Vanessa Sheared … [et al.] ; and associates. LC212.5 H236
Extension handbook / Donald J. Blackburn, editor. LC5215 E96
International handbook of resources for educators of adults / Alexander N. Charles, editor. LC5219 I61
Handbook on learning strategies for post-literacy and continuing education : outcomes of an International Research Project … / Adama Ouane. LC5215 O93
Lifelong education for adults : an international handbook / edited by Colin J. Titmus. LC5215 L722
Handbook of adult and continuing education. LC5215 H236
Handbook of distance education / edited by Michael Grahame Moore. LC5800 H236 2007
A handbook on distance education / by W.J.A. Harris and J.D.S. Williams. LC5915 H317