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Many e-books in the Library’s collection are listed in WebOPAC, but some titles can only be found by using the e-Books collection websites.
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Printed Books
The call numbers listed below are based on the General Library of Congress Subject Classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This list is presented as a brief guide to selected subject and call numbers ranges, and is not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject / Call No.
- Theory and practice of education LB5-3640
- General LB5-45
- Teaching (Principles and practice) LB1025-1050.75
- Education and training of teachers and administrators LB1705-2286
- Education, Higher LB2300-2430
- Universities and colleges LB2326.4-2330
- Teaching personnel LB2331.7-2335.8
- Trade-unions LB2335.86-2335.885
- Endowments, trusts, etc LB2335.95-2337.6
- Student aid LB2337.2-2340.96
- Supervision and administration. Business management LB2341-2341.95
- Admissions and entrance requirements LB2351-2359
- Curriculum LB2361-2365
- College examinations LB2366-2367.75
- Universities and colleges – Graduate work LB2371-2372
- Degrees, Academic LB2381-2391
- Educational consultants and consulting LB2799-2799.3
Printed book titles can be searched through WebOPAC to find their location and availability on the shelves.