Reference Works - Sustainable Architecture
Handbooks / Manuals
- Dictionary of ecodesign : an illustrated reference. NK1520 Y38
- Architecture in a climate of change : a guide to sustainable design. NA2542.3 S656 2005
- Green office buildings : a practical guide to development. NA6230 G797
- The HOK guidebook to sustainable design. NA2542.36 M538 2006
- Contractor’s guide to green building construction : management, project delivery, documentation, and risk reduction. TH880 G552
- Green building : guidebook for sustainable architecture. NA2542.36 B344
- The barefoot architect : a handbook for green building. TH4860 L5663
- Modern sustainable residential design : a guide for design professionals. NA7117.5 C297
- Understanding green building guidelines : for students and young professionals. TH880 R544
Handbooks / Manuals
- The green studio handbook : environmental strategies for schematic design. TH880 K98 2011
- The whole building handbook : how to design healthy, efficient and sustainable buildings. NA2542.36 B6863
- Ecodesign : a manual for ecological design. NA2542.35 Y38
- Energy manual sustainable architecture. NA2542.36 E563