Reference Works - language, literature & linguistics
Handbooks / Manuals
- Annual bibliography of English language and literature for 1977 / editor, Michael Smith; American editors, James B. Misenheimer Jr., Mary Jean DeMarr. PE1075 A615
- Intertextuality, allusion, and quotation: an international bibliography of criticial studies / compiled by Udo J. Hebel. PN98 I58H443
- Language testing: specialized bibliography 12. P53 L287
- Malay in Malaysian and Singapore literature in English: and annotated bibliography / Rosli Talif, Noritah Omar, Washima Che Dan. PR9530 R821
- Malay in Malaysian and Singapore literature in English: and annotated bibliography / Rosli Talif, Noritah Omar, Washima Che Dan. PR9530 R821
- Testing in English as a second language: a selected, annotated bibliography / Marie Garcia-Zamor, David Birdsong. PE1128 G216
- The English Duden: a pictorial dictionary with English and German indexes / edited by the Fachredaktionen of the Bibliographyisches Institut, Mannheim, and the Modern Languages Dept. of George G. Harrap and Company Ltd., London. PE1629.E5 1960
- A comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language: dealing with the origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture / Ernest Klein. PE1580 K47
- A dictionary and grammar of the Malayan language / edited by William Marsden. PL5123 D554
- A dictionary and grammar of the Malayan language / William Marsden ; with an introduction by Russell Jones. PL5123 D554
- A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics / David Crystal. P29 C957 2008
- A dictionary of the Malay Tongue : in two parts, to which is prefixed the grammar of that language / James Howison. PL5125 H862
- A dictionary of the Malayan language, in two parts, Malayan and English, and English and Malayan / William Marsden. PL5125.M26 1973
- A guide to world language dictionaries / Andrew Dalby. P29 D137
- A student’s dictionary of language and linguistics / R.L. Trask. P29 T775
- Collins Cobuild English language dictionary / editors John Sinclair … [et al.]. PE1625 C712 1995
- Dictionaries : British and American / James Root Hulbert. PE1611.H8 1968
- Dictionary of language and linguistics / R.R.K. Hartmann and F.C. Stork. P29 H34
- Dictionary of the French and English languages with phonetic transcription of every French vocabulary word / by J.O. Kettridge. PC2640 K43
- Encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences of language / by Oswald Ducrot and Tzvetan Todorov; translated by Catherine Porter. P29 D8433
- Linguistics and bilingual dictionaries / by Ali M. Al-Kasimi. P327 K19
- Routledge dictionary of language and linguistics / Hadumod Bussmann ; translated and edited by Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzazi. P29 B981
- Webster’s third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff. PE1625 W36 1971
- Direktori penulis Malaysia / Pusat Dokumentasi Melayu, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ; disusun oleh Idros Samsudin, Che Ros Rahim. PL5131 F253 2001
- Direktori penulis timur : Pusat Dokumentasi Melayu Tengku Anis Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Wilayah Timur / penyusun Sharrul Rizal Hashim. PL5131 D597
- Encyclopedia of African literature / edited by Simon Gikandi. PL8010 E56
- Encyclopedia of language and education / edited by Ruth Wodak, David Corson. P40.8 E56
- Encyclopedia of the world’s endangered languages / edited by Christopher Moseley. P40.5 L332E56
- Encyclopedia of world literature in the 20th century / [Steven R. Serafin, general editor]. PN771 E56 1999
- International companion encyclopedia of children’s literature / edited by Peter Hunt; associate editor, Sheila Ray. PN1008.5 I61
- The Cambridge encyclopedia of language / David Crystal. P29 C957 2003
- The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language / David Crystal. PE1072 C957 2003
- The continuum encyclopedia of American literature / Steven R. Serafin, general editor ; Alfred Bendixen, associate editor. PS21 E56
- The Continuum encyclopedia of children’s literature / Bernice E. Cullinan and Diane G. Person, editors. PS490 C762
- The Encyclopedia of language and linguistics / R.E. Asher, editor-in-chief ; J.M.Y. Simpson, coordinating editor. P29 E56
- The encyclopedia of the novel / edited by Peter Melville, associate editors: Olakunle George, Susan Hegeman, and Efraín Kristal. PN41 E56
- The Routledge encyclopedia of African literature / edited by Simon Gikandi. PL8010 R869
- The Routledge encyclopedia of Arabic literature / edited by Julie Scott Meisami and Paul Starkey. PJ7510 R869
- The Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning / edited by Michael Byram ; Christopher Brumfit … [et al.]. P51 R869
- Understanding children’s literature : key essays from the International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature / edited by Peter Hunt. PN1009 A1U55
- Glosari bahasa dan kesusasteraan Arab: bahasa Arab – huraian – bahasa Melayu. PJ6636 M3G563
- Glosari istilah kesusasteraan penyelenggara: Safian Hussain … [et al.] PL5131.5 G563
- Glosari leksikal bahasa sukuan. PL5123 G563
- Glosari mini kesusasteraan Melayu / Hashim Awang. PL5091 H346
- Glosarium bahasa dan sastra / oleh A. Hamid Hasan Lubis. PL5077 L929
- Corpus linguistics for vocabulary: a guide for research / Paweł Szudarski. PE1449 S998 2018
- How to study linguistics: a guide to understanding language / Geoffrey Finch. P51 F492 2003
- Modern English grammar: Step-by-step guide to English grammar = Tatabahasa Bahasa Inggeris moden: Panduan berperingkat untuk memahami tatabahasa Bahasa Inggeris / Mustafa Zubair. PE1112 Z991
- Nahu kemas kini: panduan bahasa yang baik dan betul / Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Asmah Haji Omar ; editor tatabahasa Abdullah Hassan. PL5115 A836
- Panduan penyusunan kamus istilah / Jawatankuasa tetap Bahasa Melayu, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. PL5121 P189
- Pengajaran dan pembelajaran penulisan bahasa Melayu : senario, teori dan panduan untuk guru dan pelajar / Roselan Baki. PL5083 R811
- Strategi bahasa: panduan nahu dan retorik untuk penulisan / Md. Sidin Ahmad Ishak, Mohd. Saleeh Rahamad. PL5107 M697
Handbooks / Manuals
- A critical handbook of children’s literature / Rebecca J. Lukens. PN1009 A1L954 2007
- A handbook of critical approaches to literature / Wilfred L. Guerim … (et al.). PN81 H35 1979
- A handbook to literature / by C. Hugh Holman; based on the original edition by William Flint Thrall and Addison Hibbard. PN41 H747 1980
- A handbook to literature / C. Hugh Holman, William Harmon. PN41 H747 1992
- Handbook of research on children’s and young adult literature / edited by Shelby A. Wolf … [et al.]. PS121 H236
- Modern language classroom techniques: a handbook / Edward David Allen, Rebecca M. Valette. PB35.A57
- The Cambridge handbook of American literature / edited by Jack Salzman, with Cameron Bardrick … [et al.]. PS21 C178
- The eighteenth-century literature handbook / edited by Gary Day and Bridget Keegan. PR441 E34
- The handbook of language and globalization / edited by Nikolas Coupland. P130.5 H236
- The Longman teaching assistant’s handbook : a guide for graduate instructors of writing and literature / Stephen W. Wilhoit. PE65 W678
- The medieval British literature handbook / edited by Daniel T. Kline. PR255 K65
- The new English literatures: cultural nationalism in a changing world / Bruce King. PR9080 K52
- The seventeenth-century literature handbook / edited by Robert C. Evans and Eric J. Sterling. PR71 S497
- English in the Caribbean: variation, style and standards in Jamaica and Trinidad / Dagmar Deuber. PR9210 D485
- English language teaching in China: new approaches, perspectives and standards / edited by Jun Liu. PE1068 C4E58
- Common core standards in diverse classrooms: essential practices for developing academic language and disciplinary literacy / Jeff Zwiers, Susan O’Hara, and Robert Pritchard. PE1128 A2Z98
- Statistics in language studies / Anthony Woods, Paul Fletcher, Arthur Hughes. P138.5 W894
- Sikap dan motivasi dalam pemelajaran Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kedua : satu kajian statistik ke atas pelajar-pelajar Cina tingkatan empat di Sekolah Menengah Seri Kembangan, Selangor / oleh Rabiay bin Besah. PL5106 R116
- Statistics for corpus linguistics / by Michael P. Oakes. P98.5 S83O11
- Statistics in linguistics / Christopher Butler. P138.5 B985
- The research manual : design and statistics for applied linguistics / Evelyn Hatch and Anne Lazaraton. P129 H361
- Dewan eja : penyemak ejaan dan tesaurus [electronic resource] /Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and The Name Technology Sdn. Bhd. PL5091.6 D515
- Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia / Eko Endarmoko. PL5077 E56
- Tesaurus bahasa Melayu / Ainon Mohd, Abdullah Hassan. PL5123 A136
- Tesaurus bahasa Melayu : penggunaan kata yang mudah dan sesuai untuk semua peringkat / Abdullah Hassan, Ainon Mohd. PL5123 A136
- Tesaurus bahasa Melayu Dewan / editor, Mashitah Taharin, Rahmah Ja’afar, Noraini Abd. Shukor. PL5123 T336 2005
- Tesaurus Bahasa Melayu Dewan / ketua editor, Ismail Dahaman. PL5123 T336
- Tesaurus linguistik Bahasa Melayu penyusun, Nur’ Aini bt. Abu Bakar. P121 T336
- Tesaurus umum Bahasa Melayu / kerjasama Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan Universiti Sains Malaysia. PL5123 T336
- The new Roget’s Thesaurus of the English language in dictionary form / [edited] by Norman Lewis. PE1591 R7 1978
- The yearbook of South Asian languages and linguistics 2000 / chief editor Rajendra Singh. PK1501 Y39