Handbooks / Manuals
- An annotated bibliography of soybean diseases SB608 S7S54
- Agricultural enterprises management in an urban-industrial society: a guide to information sources S561 C49
- Annotated bibliography on development and transfer of agricultural technology S494.5 I5J67
- Urban forestry April 1981 to December 1982 SB436 M163
- Urban forestry : 1973-1978 SB436 M163
Handbooks / Manuals
- Handbook of biofertilizers biotechnology for improving crop productivity in sustainable agriculture S654.5 H236 2014
- Handbook of biopesticides and alternative agriculture : new technologies, applications, markets and potentials S494.5 A65H236 2014
- Codex alimentarius commission : procedural manual. TX537 J73 2011
- Handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development HD1415 H236
- Agricultural urbanism : handbook for building sustainable food & agriculture systems in 21st century cities S494.5.U72
- Elsevier’s dictionary of horticultural and agricultural plant production in ten languages, English, Dutch, French, German, Danish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin compiled under the auspices of The International Society for Horticultural Science. SB45 E43
- Biotech’s dictionary of agriculture engineering S674 A769
- Chihabi’s dictionary of agricultural and allied terminology : English-Arabic with an Arabic-Englishglossary = Mu’jam al-Shihabi fi mustalahat al-‘ulum al-zira’iyah :
Inklizi – ‘Arabi ma’a masrad al-fabai’ ‘Arabi-Inklizi / edited by Ahmad Sh. al-Khatib ; Emir Moustapha al-Chihabi. S411 C534 - Dictionary of agriculture S411 D554