find Articles - Wildlife


Use online databases to find journal articles about a subject. Below is a list of databases which are most often used.

  • Animal Health and Production Compendium
  • Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
  • BioOne Collection 2
  • CAB Direct
  • EBSCOhost on the World Wide Web
  • Invasive Species Compendium
  • Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
  • Proquest
  • PubMed
  • Science Direct
  • SpringerLink
  • Vetstream
  • Veterinary Clinics of North America- Food Animal Practice
    Wiley Online Library

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Journals are important sources of information for subject research. Below is list of journals often used.

Journal of wildlife management.

SK351 J6

Journal of wildlife diseases

SF997 J6

Wildlife monographs.

QL1 W668

Wildlife Society bulletin.

SK351 W62

Wildlife : the international wildlife magazine.

SF1 W5

Australian wildlife research

S960 A85

Journal of wildlife and parks / Jabatan Perlindungan hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara

QL84.5 M3J86


QL84.5 M3P439

International wildlife.

QH75 I5

Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine.

SF601 J628

Wildlife research.

S960 A85

Other journals subscribed by library can be search via WebOPAC to identify location and holdings.