Reference Works - mathematics
- CRC encyclopedia of mathematics QA5 W433 2009
- World of mathematics QA5 W927
- The universal encyclopedia of mathematics QA5.M4713
- Encyclopaedia of mathematics : an updated and annotated English edition of the Soviet ‘Mathematical Encyclopedia’ QA5 E563
- Encyclopedia of mathematics QA5 T169
- The VNR concise encyclopedia of mathematics QA40 V18 1989
- Encyclopedia of mathematics education editors, Louise S. Grinstein and Sally I. Lipsey QA11 E56 2001
- Use of mathematical literature editor A.R. Dorling Z6651 U75
- The AAAS science book list : a selected and annotated list of Science and Mathematics books for secondary School students, college undergraduates and non-speciations / compiled by Hilary J. Deason. Z7401.A57 1970
- Buku matematik dalam Bahasa Malaysia: satu senarai QA8.4 B932
- How to find out in mathematics : a guide to sources of information Z6651.P4 1969
- Guide to the literature of mathematics and physics, including related works on engineering science Z6651.P3 1958
- Current information sources in mathematics : an annotated guide to books and periodicals, 1960-1972 Z6651.D53
- Handbook of mathematical functions: with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables QA47 A34
- Handbook of surfaces and interfaces of materials QA611 H236
- Formulas, facts and constants for students and professionals in engineering, chemistry and physics QC61 F528 1987
- Information sources in mathematics Z7141 I43 1985
- Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics by the Mathematical Society of Japan QA5 N513
- Mu’jam al-riyadiyat QA5 B328
- The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics QA5 C588
- Dictionary of mathematics QA5 M147
- A mathematical dictionary QA5 A2
- A dictionary of named effects and laws in chemistry, physics and mathematics Q123 B3 1980
- Suatu pungutan istilah matematik sekolah : bahasa Melayu Malaysia yang tidak diperakui-yang diperakui-bahasa Inggeris dan sebaliknya. QA5 S939 2001
- The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics Christopher Clapham QA5 C588 1996
- Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research QH324 F52 1963
- Tables of physical and chemical constants and some mathematical functions QC61 K3 1966
- Physical and mathematical tables QC61.Y3 196
- Low frequency properties of dielectric crystals : subvolume b Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric and related constants QC61.23 L912
- Abstract proceedings International Seminar on Mathematics and Natural Sciences Society QC1 I61 2013
- Trends in Physics Research, MTPR-08, Cairo, Egypt, 6 – 10 April 2008 QC30 I61 201
- World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 – 12, 2009, Munich, Germany <>
- Topics in Operator Theory [electronic resource] :Volume 2: Systems and Mathematical Physics Proceedings of the XIXth International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, College of William and Mary, 2008 <>
- Electronic and structural properties of amorphous semiconductors : proceedings of the thirteenth session of the Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, 1972 QC610.9.S36 1972
- Nuclear physics: proceedings of the International School of Physics, Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, August 7 – August 26 1961 QC780 S35
- Nuclear spectroscopy: proceedings of the International School of Physics ‘Enrico Fermi’, XV course, Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastere, June 20 – July 9, 1960 QC454 N8I9 1960
- Topics in radiofrequency spectroscopy: proceedings of the International School of Physics ‘Enrico Fermi’, XVII course, Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 1-17 August, 1960 QC454 R3I5 1960
- (Proceedings of the) International Physics Conference held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 12-17, 1966 QC770 I5 1966
- Atomic physics 5: (proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 26-30, 1976) QC770 I57 1976
- Letter symbols, signs and abbreviations TA368 B8 no.1991 pt.1-6 1961-67
- The quantum physics of atomic frequency standards QC454 F58V258
- Connecting three pivotal concepts in K-12 science state standards and maps of conceptual growth to research in physics education <>
- The physics of the environmental sensitivity of rubidium gas cell atomic frequency standards <>
- PICMG xTCA standards extensions for Physics: New developments and future plans <>
- Advances in developing next-generation electronics standards for physics <>
- Experimental Devices In Mathematics And Physics Standards In Lower And Upper Secondary School, And Their Consequences On Teacher’s Practices <>
- Standards-Based Grading in Introductory University Physics <>
- Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses <>
- Light-shift suppression in laser optically pumped vapour-cell atomic frequency standards <>
- Scientifica : the comprehensive guide to the world of science : mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, medicine Q162 S416
- Physics, pharmacology and physiology for anaesthetists : key concepts for the FRCA WB 115 C951 2008
- The Essence of Dielectric Waveguides <>