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The call number listed below is based on general Library of Congress subject classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This lists is presented as a quick guide to selected subject and call number ranges, and not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject Call No.
- Social Sciences (General) H1-99
- Economic growth, development, planning HD72-88
- Labor. Work. Working class HD4801-8943
- Employee participation in management. Employee ownership. Industrial democracy. Works councils HD5650-5660
- Social control HM661-696
- Social structure HM706
- Groups and organizations HM711-806
- Organizational sociology. Organization theory HM786-806
- Deviant behavior. Social deviance HM811-821
- Social change HM831-901
- Social psychology HM1001-1281
- Interpersonal relations. Social behavior HM1106-1171
- Occupation societies HS2275
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