Reference Works - food technology
Handbooks / Manuals
- Nutrition almanac QU 145 N976 1996
- Food aid: a selective annotated bibliography on food utilization for economic development HV696 F6H496
- Annotated bibliography on maternal nutrition RG556 N32
- Bibliography of food: a select international bibliography of nutrition, food and beverage technology and distribution, 1936-1956 TX353 B167
- Bibliography of infant foods and nutrition, 1938 to 1979 RJ216 B582
- Bibliography of food consumption surveys TX341 F22 no.1
- Evaluation of nutrition interventions : an annotated bibliography and review of methodologies and results TX341 F22 no.24
- Bibliography of food and agricultural marketing in the developing countries HD9000.5 B582
- Bibliografi penyinaran makanan (food irradiation) TP371.8 B582
- Nutrition research in Malaysia : selected bibliography of published journal articles from 2011-2014 Z6663 N9N976
- Book of abstracts : International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition, the Pacific Sutera hotel Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2 – 4 April 2012. TX345 I61 2012
- Dictionary of international food and cooking terms TX349.W24
- Dictionary of food science and technology TP368.2 D554 2009
- Dictionary of food compounds TP368.2 D554 2013
- International dictionary of food and cooking TX349 M379
- Dictionary of agricultural and food engineering S674 D5 1975
- A consumer’s dictionary of food additives TX553 A3W786 1978
- Senarai istilah umum sajian makanan : Bahasa Inggeris – Bahasa Malaysia. TX349 S474
- Dictionary of food ingredients TX551 I24 1996
- Webster’s new world dictionary of the culinary arts TX349 L116
- CRC desk reference for nutrition QP141 B486
- Dictionary of food science and nutrition TX350 S468
- Dictionary of nutrition: a consumer’s guide to the facts of food QU 13 B613 1977
- Dictionary of nutrition and food technology TX349 B4 1982
- The chef’s companion : a concise dictionary of culinary terms TX349 R362 1996
- Dictionary of food ingredients TX551 I24 2004
- Dictionary of flavors TP418 D278 2008
- Kamus teknologi makanan TP368.2 K15
- Pocket dictionary of food safety TX531 S684 (
- Elsevier’s dictionary of food science and technology in four languages English-French-Spanish-German with an index of Latin names compiled TX350 E55
- English-German dictionary of food technology TX349.L8
- Dictionary of nutrition and food technology TX349.B4 1968
- A dictionary of food hygiene TX537 B787
- Dictionary of foods, nutrition and dietetics QU 13 D558 1990
- Malaysia agricultural directory and index S410 M3M236
- Malaysia agri-food marketing directory HD9016 M3M239
- Directory/ Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry TS1088 T4
- Directory of fishery scientists and technologists in Southeast Asia SH307 A75D598
- Directory of fisheries information sources in Southeast Asia SH203 D598
- Directory of forest industries in Malaysia HD9766 M3D4
- Directory of research products : a world leader in new tropical agriculture, 4-6 Februari 2010, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur Q180 M239 2010
- Directory of sources of fertilizer-related information with special reference to Asia and the Pacific
S633.5 A75D598 - Malaysian directory of timber trade HD9766 M3L4
- Directory of wooden furniture manufacturers, Malaysia (2008) HD9773 M3A657 2008
- Directory of licences of Malaysian Cocoa Industry 2008/09 HD9200 M3D598 2008
- Encyclopedia of food technology TP368.2 J63
- The encyclopedia of restaurant training : a complete ready-to-use training program for all positions in the food service industry TX911.3 T73A67
- Encyclopaedia of chemical and microbiological analysis of milk and dairy food products QR121 E56
- Encyclopaedia of food microbiology and food-fermentation biotechnology TP368.2 E56
- Ensiklopedia makanan penawar untuk kesihatan tubuh RM217.2 W1195
- Encyclopedia of food microbiology QR115 E56
- Encyclopaedia of food science TP368.2 R161
- Foods & nutrition encyclopedia TX349 F686 1994
- Wellness foods A to Z an indispensable guide for health-conscious food lovers RA784 M328 2002
- Encyclopedia of food science and technology TP368.2 E56 2000
- International encyclopedia of hospitality management TX905 I61
- Encyclopedia of the exquisite : an anecdotal history of elegant delights AG243 J52
- The Gale encyclopedia of diets : a guide to health and nutrition RA784 G151
- Encyclopaedia of chemistry and biochemistry of food and food products : analysis, properties and applications TX541 E56
- The business of food : encyclopedia of the food and drink industries HD9000.5 B979
- The food encyclopedia : over 8,000 ingredients, tools, techniques, and people TX349 R749 2006
- Food encyclopedia TX349 F686
- McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of food, agriculture & nutrition TX349 M2
- The encyclopedia of Asian food and cooking TX724.5 A1P288
- Encyclopedia of food engineering TP369.H3
- Encyclopedia of food science TP368.2.E6
- Food for health : a nutrition encyclopedia TX349 F686
- Encyclopaedia of food technology TX349 T841
- Encyclopedia of food science and technology TP368.2 E56
- Akta Makanan 1983 (Akta 281) & Peraturan-peraturan : (hingga 20hb Februari 2012) JQ713 A55L4255 Akta 281 2012
- Undang-undang Malaysia = Laws of Malaysia : Akta makanan haiwan 2009 (Akta 698) JQ713 A55L425 Act 698 2009
- Akta makanan dan peraturan-peraturan : semua pindaan hingga Ogos, 2007 KPG1020 A315 Akta 281 2007
- Food Act 1983 (Act 281) & Regulations : (as at 20th February 2012) JQ713 A55L425 Act 281 2012
- Food Act, 1983 and food regulations 1985 : details on food regulations amendments from 1987 to January, 1994 (Act 285). JQ713 A55L425 Act 285 1994
- Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations 1985 JQ713 A55M478 Act 281 1987
- Meat cuts and muscle foods : an international glossary TX373 S973 2004
- Cooking ingredients : the ultimate photographic reference guide for cooks and food lovers WA 695 I54 2005
- Food: reports, legislation, and information sources: a guide TP370 U5
- Essential guide to food additives. TX553 A3E78 2003
- Foods that heal : a guide to understanding and using the healing powers of natural foods RA784 J54
- A survival guide for culinary professionals TX911 G314
- Illustrated guide to food preparation TX663 M478 2006
- New wave asian : a guide to the southeast asian food revolution TX724.5 A1O97
- Halal food : a guide to good eating, Kuala Lumpur BP134 F58H157
- American Dietetic Association complete food and nutrition guide QU 145 D988 2006
- Seafood handbook : the comprehensive guide to sourcing, buying, and preparation TX385 S438 2010
- Tasting success : your guide to becoming a professional chef TX911.3 V62C319
- A guide to the selection, combination, and cooking of foods TX651.R5
- Food and cookery : a practical guide to culinary art TX717.J5
- The frozen food cookbook and guide to home freezing TX828.S55 1962
- Food, cookery, and diet : an information guide TX357 P973
- Famous street food of Penang : a guide & cook book TX724.5 M3F198
- Welcome to culinary school : a culinary student survival guide TX911.3 V62T775
- Guide to modern meals TX663 O37 1981
- Reader’s digest guide to creative cooking and entertaining TX740 R286
- Cook with Jamie : my guide to making you a better cook TX714 O48
- American Dietetic Association complete food and nutrition guide QU 145 D988 2006
Handbooks / Manuals
- The letts companion to Asian food and cooking TX349 P288
- The non-commercial food service manager’s handbook : a complete guide for hospitals, nursing homes, military, prisons, schools, and churches: with companion CD-ROM TX943 B877
- Manual teknologi penghasilan produk bakeri HD9057 M3Z21
- Food products formulary TP370.4 F686
- Manual for monitoring food marketing to children. HD9003 M294
- Handbook of analytical techniques in food processing – biochemistry and biotechnology TX541 H236
- Plastic films in food packaging : materials, technology and applications TP374 P715
- Handbook of plant-based fermented food and beverage technology TP371.44 H236 2012
- Handbook of farm, dairy and food machinery TP370.4 H236 2013
- The food safety hazard guidebook RA601 L418 2012
- Spectra for the identification of monomers in food packaging TX271 P63B978
- Nutrition labeling handbook TX551 N976
- Food industries manual TP370.4 F686 1984
- Handbook of food preparation TX349 A45 1975
- Handbook of food engineering practice TP370.4 H236
- Handbook of fermented functional foods QP144 F85H236
- Handbook of indigenous fermented foods TP371.44 H236 1996
- The HAACP food safety manual TX537 L836
- Handbook of nutraceuticals and functional foods QP144 F85H236
- Food additives data book TX553 A3F686 2011
- Food analysis laboratory manual TX545 N669
- Food service manual for health care institutions RA975.5 D5P977 2004
- Handbook of food science, technology, and engineering TP370.4 H236
- Risk-based food inspection manual. TX341 F22 no.89
- Handbook of innovation in the food and drink industry P370.4 H236
- Codex alimentarius commission : procedural manual TX537 J73 2011
- World food production, demand and trade HD9000.6.B57
- Statistical quality control for food and agricultural scientists TP372.5 P985
- Banci ekonomi : perkhidmatan makanan dan minuman = economic cencus : food and beverage services HD9016 J11
- Compendium of food consumption statistics from household surveys in developing countries : vol.2 HD9000.1 F572 no.116/2
- Food consumption statistics 1979-1988 = Statistiques de la consommation des denrees alimentaires 1979-1988 HD9000.4 O68 1979/88
- A comparative study of food consumption data from food balance sheets and household surveys HD9000.1 F572 no.34
- FAO/WHO food additives data system TX341 F22 no.30
- Food balance sheets 1994-1996 average. HD9000.4 F686
- Summary of world food and agricultural statistics, 2003. HD9000.4 S955
- Molded Article, Component For Food Production Apparatus, And Polymer Product For Producing Food (WO2018225567)
- Method For Cryogenically Cooling Food Product (EP3405045)
- Aie-Active Chemo Sensors For Amine Detection And Related Food-Safety Monitoring (WO2018210272)
- Non-Dairy Cream For Baking And Preparation Method Thereof(US20180310585)
- Methods For Monitoring And Controlling Contaminants In Food Processing Systems(WO2018232132)
- Method For Processing Seeds Into A Paste-Like Food Product In A Single Mixer (WO2018224326)
- Process Control For Production Of Liquid Food (WO2018219782)
- Method for Improving the Cooking Quality of Brown Rice by Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation (US20180338514)
- Microbe control in food processing and related industries (US3583914A)
- Non-sludging, high temperature resistant food compatible lubricant for food processing machiner (US6087308A)
- Food processing technique (US4089322A)
- Method for treating a food processing facility (US6039984A)
- Process for detecting plastic or elastomeric contaminants in food processing (US6177113B1)
- Method of making cheese like food (US4560560A)
- Automatically making food products such as bread, cakes and the like(US4803086A)
- Process for making food sandwich (US3656968A)
- Composite food product and method for making the same (US4563358A)
- Method of making frozen pizza (US2668117A)
- Method of making a dairy-based food product (US4497834A)
- Making beverages and food in a microwave oven (US6727484B2)
- Batter mix for frozen food products and method of making (US5431944A)
- Method of making food chip products (US5370898A)
- Proceedings of the soil science conference of Malaysia 2015 : Soil Security for Sustainable Food Production, Putrajaya, April 6-9, 2015 S590.2 S683 2015
- Proceeding International Seminar Upland for Food Security, November 7-8 2009, Purwokerto, Indonesia HD9000.6 I61 2009
- Re-imagining the feed indusrty : nutiriton biotechnology in the feed and food industries : proceeding of Alltech’s Twentieth Annual Symposium SF94.6 A442 2004
- Advances in Meat Research : proceeding of the National Symposium on Hygienation Meat Production and Technology Progress and Problems of Today’s India , June 1986, Bombay, India TS1955 N277 1986
- Harmonising halal practices and food safety from farm to table : proceeding of the 17th Veterinary Association Malaysia Congress in conjunction with Malaysia International Halal
- Showcase (MIHAS) 2005, 27-30 July 2005, Malaysian International Exhibition and Convention Centre, Mines Resort City, Kuala Lumpur SF605 M3C749 2005
- Preconcentration and drying of food materials: Thijssen Memorial Symposium TP371.5 I61 198
- Proceedings : Symposium on Food and the Law HD9000.1.S9 1970
- Use of human subjects in safety evaluation of food chemicals: proceedings TX553 A3U56
- Symposium : Phosphates in Food Processing, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1970 TP368 S9 1970
- Water relations of foods: proceedings of an international symposium held in Glasgow, September 1974 TX553 W3W37
- Proceedings of Visiting Seminar on Food Irradiation, Djakarta, 27-28 January, 1969 TP371.8 V5 1969
- Symposium on the Biological and Cultural Sources of Variability in Human Nutrition RC623 S95 1975
- Objective methods for food evaluation : proceedings of a symposium, November 7-8, 1974, Boston Marriott, Newton, Massachusetts TX511 O2
- Proceedings of the International Food Industries Congress, London, May 12th to 16th 1975 TP368 I61 1975
- Tropical foods: chemistry and nutrition TX345 T856
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Food Science and Technology TX345 I61 1978
- The 13th International Students Summit on Food, Agriculture and Environment in the New Century S401 I61 2013
- Application of new advanced flexible packaging materials for processed food : proceedings of the seminar on application of new advanced flexible packaging materials for processed food, 21 -22 November 1994 Pan Pacific Glenmarie Resort Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya. TP374 S471 1994
- CROSSROADS ’91 : foods of the 90’s proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology annual conference, 15th-18th May 1991 TP368 N532 1991
Plastics in packaging : proceedings of the seventh annual foodplas conference, March 5-8, 1990. TP374 F686 1990
- Frozen & chilled foods yearbook. TP493.5 F7