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Printed Books
The call number listed below is based on general Library of Congress subject classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This lists is presented as a quick guide to selected subject and call number ranges, and not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject Call No.
- Education (General) L7-991
- History of education LA5-2396
- Theory and practice of education LB5-3640
- Special aspects of education LC8-6691
- Individual institutions LD13-7501
- United States LD13-7501
- Individual institutions LE3-78
- America (except United States) LE3-78
- Individual institutions LF14-5627
- Great Britain LF14-1257
- Individual institutions LG21-961
- Asia LG21-395
- College and school magazines and papers
LH1-9 - Student fraternities and societies, United States
LJ3-165 - Textbooks LT6-501
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