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Printed Books
The call number listed below is based on general Library of Congress subject classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This lists is presented as a quick guide to selected subject and call number ranges, and not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject Call No.
Chemistry | QD419–QD419.7 |
Chemistry – Bibliography | Z5521-Z5526 |
Chemistry – History | QD11-QD18 |
Chemistry, Analytic | QD71-QD142 |
Chemistry, Analytic – Qualitative (Inorganic Analysis) | QD101-QD117 |
Chemistry, Analytic – Qualitative (Organic Analysis) | QD271.7 |
Chemistry, Forensic (General) | HV8073 |
Chemistry, Inorganic | QD146-QD197 |
Chemistry, Organic | QD241-QD441 |
Chemistry, Physical and theoretical | QD450-QD731 |
Chemistry set industry | HD9993.C48-HD9993.C484 |
Chemists | QD21-QD22 |
Chemists – Biography | QD21-QD22 |
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