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The call number listed below is based on general Library of Congress subject classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This lists is presented as a quick guide to selected subject and call number ranges, and not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject Call No.
- Orthopedic surgery RD701-811
- Physical rehabilitation RD792-811
- Orthopedics. Reconstructive Orthopedics. Bone Transplantation WE 168-190
- Bones WE 200-259
- JointTissues WE 300-400
- Muscles and Tendons WE 500-600
- Head and Trunk WE 700-715
- Back WE 720-755
- Extremities WE 800-886
- General Extremities WE 800
- Upper Extremity WE 805-835
- Lower Extremity WE 850-886
- Podiatry WE 890
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