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Printed Books
The call number listed below is based on general Library of Congress subject classifications. These numbers are provided primarily as a browsing tool. This lists is presented as a quick guide to selected subject and call number ranges, and not a comprehensive research tool.
Subject Call No.
- General QA1-43
- Tables QA47-59
- Instruments and machines QA71-90
- Calculating machines QA75-76
- Electronic computers. Computer science QA75.5-76.95
- Computer software QA76.75-76.765
- Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic QA101-(145)
- Algebra QA150-272.5
- Probabilities. Mathematical statistics QA273-280
- Analysis QA299.6-433
- Geometry. Trigonometry. Topology QA440-699
- Analytic mechanics QA801-939
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