find Articles - education


Use online databases to find journal articles about a subject. Below is a list of databases which are most often used.

  • Cambridge University Press – Cambridge Journals Online
  • Ebscohost – Academic Search Complete
  • Emerald Insight  
  • ProQuest 
  • SAGE Journals Online
  • Science Direct
  • SpringerLink
  • Wiley Online Library

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Journals are important sources of information for subject research. Below is list of journals often used.

  • Adult education quarterly L91 A8
  • Asian journal of university education.  LA1058 A832
  • Aspects of education : journal of the Institute of Education, the University of Hull  L11 A73
  • Comparative education review  LB11 C69
  • Educational philosophy and theory  LB1025.2 E38
  • Educational theory  L11 E5135
  • Educational awakening : journal of the educational sciences  LB1028. E22
  • International journal of educational research.  LB2845 I61
  • JID : journal of instructional development.   LB1027 J
  • Journal of college student personnel  LB2343 J86
  • Journal of educational and behavioral statistics.  LB2846 J67
  • Journal of educational statistics.  LB2846 J67
  • Journal of educational measurement  LB1131 A1J6
  • Journal of higher education  L11 J78
  • Journal of research and development in education  LB1028 J69
  • Journal of Southeast Asian education  LA1250 J86
  • Journal of vocational education & training.   LC1043 V873
  • Journal of vocational and technical education : JVTE.   LC1041 J86
  • Journal of world education.  L11 J865
  • Jurnal kurikulum   LG396 P5U58
  • Jurnal pendidik dan pendidikan = Educators and education   L71 P397
  • Jurnal pendidikan = Journal of educational research.   LB1028.5 J86
  • Jurnal pendidikan jarak jauh Malaysia = Malaysian journal of distance education.   LC5808 M2J95
  • Jurnal pendidikan teknikal = Journal of technical education.  LB2326.3 J95
  • Malaysian journal of university education  LB2372 M3M239
  • New Zealand journal of educational studies  LA2120 N48
  • Pendidikan tinggi : jurnal mengenai budaya dan sains ilmu = higher education : a journal on the culture and scientificity of knowledge. by Universiti Sains Malaysia.  L71 M3P397
  • Sociology of education  L11 J76
  • The Australian journal of education  L91 A8
  • The Journal of experimental education  L11 J86